The lesser-trodden Southern Circuit includes the Selous Game Reserve, the Udzungwa Mountains, Mikumi, and Ruaha National Parks, Saadani National Park, Mnazi Bay-Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park, and Kitulu National Park

Udzungwa National Park is a lush high-elevation rain forest and a great site for walking and moderate hiking. It is one of thirty-four “World Biodiversity Hotspots” and one of 200 World Wildlife Federation ecoregions of global critical importance. The Udzungwa forest is part of the so-called Eastern Arc, which is a series of mountains ranging from the Southern Highlands through the Uluguru and Usambara mountains northwards to Pare. The forest is home to many indigenous species of plants, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, butterflies, and insects of which some of species are found nowhere else in the world. Udzungwa is also a unique cultural site for containing caves that have been used in the spiritual traditons and rituals of nearby tribes over many years—these have remained preserved so that one can get a sense of ancient religious traditions upon visiting.

Ruaha National Park, located in the middle of Tanzania about 130 km from Iringa, is the second largest park in Tanzania, covering an area of more than 13,000 km2. The main vegetation types in Ruaha are Miombo woodland, acacia grasslands, and large baobab trees, all which attract diverse number of animals species. Some of the major attractions include large populations of elephants, giraffes, impalas, buffalo, lions, leopards, and hunting dogs. The Great Ruaha River that borders the park in the east, provides habitation for hippopotamus and crocodiles. Ruaha is also a prime destination for birdwatchers, with 436 species that have been identified so far.

Mikumi National Park is bordered to the south by Selous Game Reserve, the two areas forming a unique ecosystem. The vegetation of this area consists of savannah dotted with acacia, baobab, tamarinds, and some rare palm. Mikumi was named a National Park in 1967 and currently has an approximate size of 3,230 km2. Mikumi offers a unique wildlife experience with a large number of herbivores (buffaloes, giraffes, elephants and zebra) and a rich variety of bird species (more than 400) identified. On the hunt for all the herbivores, you will find large crocodiles, and of course lions and leopards.